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Lynnhaven River Fall Festival

lynnhaven river fall festival
From Ebony:

For STL’s debut at the Lynnhaven River Now Festival, I was very frightened because I had never officially worked with others before (I usually work alone). My co-workers and I all met at our vendor tent and awaited potential customers. I am usually a very quiet person which made it hard to talk to people at first but with a little push and motivation from my beloved team I was ready to roll. My job at first, was to talk to people about horse shoe crabs (our business’ logo). The second job I had was to ask people if they wanted to buy raffle tickets where all the proceeds went to the Children’s Home Society of Va. Overall, it was an experience I could never forget. It built my confidence and prepared me for the next event!


From Aby:

When I first went to work at the Lynnhaven River Now Festival, I was a little nervous because I had arrived a couple hours late because I volunteer at the Norfolk SPCA at the same time. When I arrived my coworkers showed me the ropes and showed me my basic duties. I helped with an activity where we had children and teens color milk jugs and then we turned them into bird houses. I also had everyone take a survey on which logo they liked the best. It was a great experience and learning opportunity for me and I’m so glad I didn’t miss it!


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