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Time Management

time management

Hey guys! It’s Aby from Aby and Eby’s downtime talk! This week I would like to focus on TIME MANAGEMENT!

Now my thought when I first read the title I wrote was, “why would I decide to do this topic when I don’t even manage my own time well sometimes” and then I knew that I had to do this topic so that I can work on managing my time better and to help with fighting my procrastination. Time Management is essential to having free time, without it you are constantly procrastinating small and large tasks. Then the stress of these unfinished tasks grows until I feel almost paralyzed with the amount of work I have to do. So here are this weeks tips on Time Management Skills!

1. The Two Minute Rule

The two minute rule is if you can do something in two minutes, do it then! Don’t procrastinate simple tasks that will take you less than two minutes! Sometimes after doing a simple task I get motivated to do another simple task and then another until I look around and my whole room is clean. Even if you don’t feel motivated to do another two minute task then you at least got the original task done which is an achievement. Doing things in the present will help you recognize larger tasks that will be easier if you start or do them in the present.

2. Favors to Future You

Now this is my favorite thing on my list because it makes me feel accomplished and happy when I have finished. Doing a favor to the future you is just doing something in the moment that you don’t really want or need to do, but you complete the task anyway. An example would be doing homework that isn’t due until tomorrow that night. I don’t have to do it right away, but by making them favors to a future me I will have less work to do later. Then when I’m stressed over the homework due the next day I see what past me did for me. Every time I see a favor that past me did, I thank myself for doing the task. This part is important so that you recognize that these favors impact your workload and make you more likely to do another favor.

3. Use a Planner or Have a To-Do List

Okay teens I know we are all thinking, yes I’ve heard this before and I don’t think I need one. Honestly I’ve thought it myself, but by writing down and then seeing what I need to do, I get so much more done. Also if you think a planner is to fancy write down all of your tasks or homework on a piece of paper along with the dates their due next to them. Write everything on this piece of paper and as you get things done cross them off. If you have another task you need to do, write it down on the piece of paper. Personally, I sort my homework by class and then decide what is due first and complete that assignment. Then I do the assignment that’s due second and I do that until my list is complete or it is time for bed.

Leave me a comment if you have ways to share with other teens how to manage their time! #dailydowntime


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