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The New “Normal” Teen Routine

the new “normal” teen routine

Normally I leave the blog section for teens to write however, with a new normal upon us, compliments of Coronavirus I wanted to share with parents and teens about the need for a ROUTINE.

TEENS NEED ROUTINE in their daily life.

I write this as a mom first, and then as a high school teacher for decades and founder of Simple Teen Life LLC. I am seeing the effect of the school closures both in my own home and with my high school students. It became painfully obvious very quickly that teens need a routine.

The purpose of this blog is to give parents of teens some ideas that can help your teen create their NEW routine for their NEW world; the NEW world order of virtual learning from ages 12-19 which includes colleges students too.

I realize the mayhem that is occurring in many homes now with kids from pre school to college at home unexpectedly ALL DAY. I also know many teens are NOT happy about it as my own have told me at the kitchen table while eating me out of house and home!

As the majority of K-12 schools and universities have gone to virtual learning, our old ROUTINES have gone out the window. Routines where the school day was the driver of our every decision as a family no longer exist.

Getting kids up, getting dressed, getting breakfast, grabbing lunches and running for the bus was once a daily and expected routine. What does the morning look like in your house now with schools closed? Hmmmmmmm… the NEW normal is being created.

For starters, listening to the news constantly may not be the best idea for all involved while trying to help teens create a new routine.

Constant news media blasting about self quarantines, drive thru virus testing, restrictions of daily life, cities on lock down, shelter in place, stock market crash, 200,000 infected globally, health care workers and grandparents at risk, social distancing, ventilator shortage, toilet paper hoarding…its unnerving for all ages!

Its almost too much to comprehend so lets break it down to the most specific level:

  • your home
  • your kitchen table
  • your family
  • and specifically your teens
POOF! School is closed! Now what?

Teens are hearing parents talking about the situation, the see fake news mixed with true facts on social media, while simultaneously losing their “escape” route from all of this.

ESCAPE? Where do they escape the rules and pressures of home…SCHOOL! School provides structure, peer groups, clubs, sports, safety, trusted adults, food for many and most of all… ROUTINE.

Having been a mom and teacher for two decades this is uncharted waters. Where do I begin with the virtual lesson plan? After sensing the uncertainly by parents, students, schools and the entire community I decided my first virtual lesson would have nothing to do with academic content and everything to do with the mental health of a TEEN.

It’s all about trying to help teens create a routine that does NOT mimic the school day because that is unrealistic.

Teens need a NEW routine to fit the NEW normal of home life without the structure of school. They need a sense of control in creating this NEW routine with the guidance of parents.


Here is the actual virtual assignment for the first day of virtual learning that I sent to my high school classes. I hope you can find some merit in it and utilize any or all of the components. We are all in uncharted waters so let’s swim together!!!

Hey guys!

Not seeing you drag into class at 7am with a pop tart and Monster drink I can only hope you are tucked away in bed still sleeping! No monster drink needed because your brain is getting the rest it finally needs as a teenager before starting school! So when you wake up my assignment awaits you. You can do this assignment using a basic Excel spread sheet, photo journal, embedded videos or any other way you can think to show me your creation of your new routine.

Your brain and body needs a routine with school closed so let’s make one together!

  • Purpose of this assignment:
  • To create a ROUTINE that will help YOU be more in CONTROL of YOUR day

You are going to track the following activities for the next 7 days to help create a routine

  1. Amount of Sleep you get each night (9 hrs is good!)
  2. Your first food of the day
  3. Productive activity
  4. Downtime activity

Here is an example of the assignment using my data from Monday 3/16/20

DATE:  Monday 3/16/2020
1. SLEEP: 6.5 hours (in bed 1am-up 730am)
2. FIRST FOOD OF THE DAY List or show your very first thing you ate today
IDENTIFY what macromolecule the food is – CARB, LIPID, PROTEIN

  • COFFEE (of course! BLACK- no cream or sugar)
  • Eggo Waffle (Carb /Lipid)
  • Honey (carb)
  • ANALYZE YOUR CHOICES: Lacks protein! Will do better next time!

3. PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITY: this is a GOAL you want to accomplish

Your brain and body will feel so much better if you are productive! Don’t just lay around ALL day on a screen texting, binge watching shows etc.  Get up and DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE that will result in a sense of accomplishment!  I promise you will feel better!

Ex: clean your room, reorganize something, write an actual letter to a grandparent or friend, create a workout for YOU, etc. Do anything that will make your daily life better and more organized!

MY PRODUCTIVE GOAL:  I WILL organize my pantry today. WHY? It’s a mess and with everyone home now I need a little more order in my kitchen to cook for 2 very hungry sons!

4. DOWNTIME ACTIVITY: this is pure enjoyment for YOU with the goal of having FUN

What is something you just love doing because YOU enjoy it!  Journaling, cooking, keep a diary of your life as a teen during the pandemic, art, play a sport, create a new game, create a music playlist and dance…the list is endless…WHAT do YOU like to do when you have time to yourself!

If video games are your choice for downtime as a way to connect with friends & family go for it BUT limit this game play for one hour and try something new to add to your downtime fun each day!

MY DOWNTIME FUN : garden and read


Let’s look at the silver lining of all of this:  You can now catch up on a little sleep!  It was nice to wake up without the alarm in my ear at 5:30. This is new territory for us all so why not make the best of a very odd situation.

We all need routines and need to be productive.  I admit even I roamed around my house aimlessly yesterday wondering what to do with myself for the next two weeks without being told by the schedule of my job.  I too NEED a routine!  I am working on it today!  I just laid it out for you in pictures!

Set your own routine and define productivity and downtime fun for yourself these next few weeks.  Break an old habit and create a new positive habit while you have 2 weeks to practice it!

This assignment is to guide you in creating a healthy routine!

It’s time YOU take CONTROL of your daily ROUTINE!

I cannot wait to hear about your new routine for the week! Stay healthy, sleep at least 9 hours a night and know that we are all in this together!

Love ya,
Mrs. Razzz

I hope you were able to use a few ideas from this blog to guide your teen towards creating a ROUTINE as we face many more weeks in virtual learning mode. Teens are resilient, intelligent, open minded and they need MORE SLEEP!

Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions or share your ideas with me! I am always looking for new perspectives. Stay safe and enjoy this unexpected family time.

—Conni, Founder of Simple Teen Life LLC

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