During this outbreak and period of uncertainty is really difficult to stay positive. A lot of the things I’ve been looking forward to have been cancelled and smiling has been much more difficult during these trying times. It is super easy to fall into a slump, to not want to get out of bed and to sleep all day. This is not good for you!! Yes it seems like the only thing to do but it won’t make you feel good. So here is what I’m doing to stay positive.
Sorry if this seems harsh but I’ve found that by turning off the news I’m less wound up and nervous all the time. I’m one of those people that just hates uncertainty-I like knowing what will happen next and that everything turns out okay. So for me I keep the news off and have asked my parents to turn off the news while we eat dinner together so that I feel more secure. Of course I still like to keep up with current events, but instead of watching it directly I would rather ask my parents who do avidly watch the news. I think that the constant repeat of covering the outbreak isn’t good for anyone and that while it is very important it is not the only thing that is worth reporting about.
You cannot be happy if all you do is lay in bed all day-that’s right, actually get up and change your clothes. I know it seems like a lot of work but fresh clothes and a little work out or even going outside (scandalous-I know) but it does a lot to improve your mood and positivity. It doesn’t even have to be hard exercise-maybe take a walk with the dog or your parents around the neighborhood. Okay so now pick what you would like to do that is either outside or strenuous exercise. Now that you have picked, do it daily!! Yes, everyday. It is good for you and will most definitely improve your mood. Now I know if you aren’t allowed to go outside-change your clothes daily and shower it can make you feel better and give you a bit of an energy boost.
This one is actually the simplest thing here thanks to technology. Talk to-yes that means calling or facetiming-a person everyday can improve your mood greatly. I constantly am on the phone with someone-either it’s a study buddy method so that I get motivated to do my work or just to talk and share my day with someone. It’s really simple but I find that the best part of my day is when I’m on the phone with someone my age who understands what I’m talking about and gets my sense of humor.
These are the most basic things you can do to stay positive, but really all these things say is to not shut yourself up in your room or house with a constant stream of what’s bad because it isn’t good for you.
You have to be open to things, maybe your parents are nagging you to do something with them—go do it!
They just want to spend time with you and want to see you feel better. You might even enjoy it.
That’s all for now! Please leave me a comment to tell me how you stay positive!
—Aby, 11th grade student
Member of original Simple Teen Life Dream Team staff since 2018