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Screen Time

screen time

Hey! One thing I know we all love is spending time on our computer or phone. We could stay put in front of a screen all day and never get bored. However, that’s not good for our health and I doubt our parents would let us.

I know myself that I love texting my friends, yet I know I can’t do it all day. When I was little I went outside, drew, played with Legos, read a book. I actually did something. Then when I grew up I had almost everything at the touch of my fingertips thanks to…


As a teen most of us are on social media. That’s all we do. We stopped drawing, stop going outside to play tag or something, we stay cooped up inside in front of a screen. This summer I want to try to change that.

We could do so much more with our lives if we only can look up. We could read a book, go outside, color, draw, play a board game with your family, go to the beach, go to a bookstore, bring a little of our childhood back into our lives.

So, go do something besides a screen. We teens need to learn how much screen time Is too much.

What do you think? Be sure to share and follow!

—Jenny, 13 years old

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