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About STL

who are we?



Empower & encourage teens to make positive changes in their personal and community life by the simple action of slowing life down to pursue hobbies and interest with:

  • Community
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Alone

Encourage teens to Disconnect from the fast paced pressures in their daily lives such as:

  • academic pressure,
  • virtual learning and COVID-19,
  • peer pressure,
  • social media pressure,
  • parental expectations,
  • and family responsibilities



Through our actions we create awareness to slow teen life down which requires intentional downtime.   We participate in:

  • local festivals,
  • social media platforms,
  • community service with organizations that support teens in foster care
  • Our exclusive Simple Teen Box & Military Mailer created BY teens FOR teens.
  • A portion of our proceeds are donated to help teens in foster care.


By Conni Rasmussen , Founder

Once upon a time in 2018

As a mom, public school teacher and Oxford graduate and I saw a problem!  The lives of teens are changing to a state of over scheduled chaos, now cluttered with COVID 19 chaos and it needs to SLOW DOWN!

I wanted to be a part of the change so I started a conversation with over 100 teens in 2018 and the rest as they say… is history!  Simple Teen Life LLC became a legit small business in July 2018 with a core staff of 4 teens.

Two years later 

June 2020 we launched our subscription box, Simple Teen Box which is downtime in a box created BY teens FOR teens.  All work was done at my dining room table and staff meetings where we ate together, planned and laughed until…the pandemic but that did not stop us!  Zoom, Facetime and other social distancing creative methods we continue to work!

Fast foward to 2021

January 2021 and we have added a new product: MILITAY MAILER. COVID did not stop the teens from creating! The focus is specific to our young solders age 18-21 who deserve and need some downtime.  Amazed at the success for the holiday season we continued it as a year round product.

The entire staff, which is comprised of teens ages 13-19 started this adventure with  our public launch , October 6, 2018 and we are still growing!

Proof that teenagers should rule the world!

Conni Rasmussen, Founder

“To me, Simple Teen Life is a place to let go of your fears. STL has made me more motivated to follow my passions and appreciate what being a teen is really about. My co-workers and I have a blast working together! We even have fun outside of work just doing what teens do. I would love other teens to experience STL because it’s filled with positivity. This is valuable because I know how stressful our lives can get.
From one teen to another, check  out STL!” – Ebony

why the horseshoe crab logo?

Horseshoe crabs have been on Earth for more than 300 million years. They are actually closely related to scorpions and spiders and maybe teens! the Horseshoe crab and teens share a special trait; they are both SURVIVORS!

our mascot created by staff teen memeber Trininty

Teens find themselves trapped in a fast paced technological society. They must adapt in order to deal with heavy loads of schoolwork, part- time jobs, friends, parental and peer pressures..

The horseshoe crab is a visual reminder that teens need to slow down ! Teens will not only SURVIVE but they will also THRIVE on this planet given a little downtime!