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Meet Our Teens

Founding Member of STL

I enjoy photography, soccer, and talking with my friends. I love to joke around with the other staff members, even when we need to be serious. One way I disconnect to reconnect is by writing, it can be poems or just planning out a novel. I find it very relaxing to daydream and fall into worlds of my own creation. I also really love music. If I’m not talking or listening to music I’m probably reading. I read a lot of young adult, science fiction, and fantasy novels but I am not opposed to reading a good romance novel.

Founding Member of STL

Hi! My name is Ebony and I am super friendly. I would describe myself as a person who sees good and wants good for everyone! I am aiming to be a teacher! Luckily, I have some good role models to look up to. Words that I live by are “Take risks and smile!” Yes, I made that up 🙂 That’s just me!

Founding Member of STL

I can be described as caring. I always want to be there for my friends no matter what. I tend to put others before myself and think of them first even if it’s not always good for me. I feel horrible if my friends are not happy.

Founding Member of STL

Hello, my name is Bailey! I am 17 and I am the oldest out of my five siblings. I enjoy sewing, gardening, baking, art, and drinking tea. I am also a lesbian and a proud supporter of the LGBTQ+ rights movement.


I like to write and hang out with my friends and help anyone who needs a hand. I like to be positive.


Hello my name is Cece. I like to listen and sing to music. My favorite type of music is kpop and R&B. I don’t like when things change, and I am not very good at drawing anything. I like to read books and taking nice notes.


I’m Josie! I love animals, books, video games, and theatre. You can usually find me playing something on the Nintendo Switch or raving about my bird. I like to keep myself busy by reading too.


I like playing basketball and soccer, going to the beach, reading, watching TV and playing video games. My favorite food is macaroni and cheese and I am a Middle School student. My favorite book is Addison Cooke, favorite TV show is All-American and my favorite movie is Remember the Titans.


I am an aspiring filmmaker and videographer who helps plan out the ads for STL. I like to keep busy creating things for theater sets, story boards and animation.