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STL + VA kids belong
april 2020

Simple Teen Life LLC teamed up with Virginia Kids Belong and neighborhood JR Civic Leagues in Va Beach. Eleven teens created survival kits for teens in foster care during school closures. It was ALL done via zoom , emails, face time and social distancing! Pandemic Challenge accepted and they did it with ease!

Teens are adaptable, motivated, determined and just amazing!

Our goal:

Simple Teen Life wanted to create at least 10 Survival Kits, a.k.a. “Social Distancing Hugs,” to send to teens in foster care in Virginia during this time of STAY AT HOME. Through the generosity of donations we were able make this happen!

We partnered our efforts in conjunction with Virginia Kids Belong (VKB) Survival Kit campaign, however we targeted specifically TEENS in foster care. Teens in foster care are often overlooked and we wanted to help change that!

big news!

Evan Carmichael is an amazing entrepreneur, author, and influencer and he gave a shout out to our team here at STL! He recognized us for our service project with VA Kids Belong and teens in foster care and we are so flattered and proud to be recognized for our efforts!

Teenagers should rule the world!

“Let’s also give Conni Rasmussen of Simple Teen Life LLC some love! She applied what she learned from Evan’s book and their first community service project was a success as they partnered with Virginia’s Kids Belong creating 13 survival kits for teens in foster care raising $592. The teen staff of Simple Teen Life are Built to Serve! Way to go Conni and team!”