
stay positive

02 Apr: How to Stay Positive

During this outbreak and period of uncertainty is really difficult to stay positive. A lot of the things I’ve been looking forward to have been cancelled and smiling has been more difficult.

fake friends

22 Oct: Fake Friends

Hey! Something that has been happening to me a lot by being in middle school is having fake friends. To fully understand what fake friends are, you have to know their definitions.


22 Jul: Jealousy

Hey! It’s Jenny here to talk about jealousy. Teens at my school struggle with jealousy. We get so jealous of what others have and what we don’t.

screen time

03 Jul: Screen Time

Hey! One thing I know we all love is spending time on our computer or phone. We could stay put in front of a screen all day and never get bored.

teen anxiety

23 Apr: Teen Anxiety

Hi! It’s Eby. One topic that is very serious that I’d like to talk about today is ANXIETY. Now I know that most of us teens tend to get a little anxious, even I do sometimes.

relaxation for teens

26 Feb: Relaxation for Teens

Hey guys! It’s Aby! This week I want to focus on RELAXATION. Personally I struggle with relaxing. The pressure put on me by my family, friends and teachers, makes it difficult.