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Back to School Tips

back to school tips

Hey tweens and teens! My school is about to start on August 19th. I am going back to school shopping today!

Back to shopping is fun, but also can be stressful. I love getting new supplies, notebooks, pens, folders, however I get stressed about it because my list is in very small print, so it’s hard to see sometimes. Also I just get overwhelmed by ALL the supplies. You have to get this calculator or this binder. I want to be able to get the supplies I need and then go home and organize it. Here is my plan.


Before I get in the car I am going to REWRITE MY LIST my list to be able to see it better. For each item you need, I am going to use a different color. For example, I need about 10 notebooks, so I would use the color blue to write down the types of notebooks I need. That will help you when you get to the store. You just go in order of your color-coordinated list and you’re done!


When I get home, I need to label EVERYTHING with my name. So I will do that and ORGANIZE the folders from the notebooks, etc. My favorite part is organizing the supplies. I always get stressed doing this , however this time it will be different. Most kids don’t like school, however, if you get supplies that you like, and its what your school requires, its always more fun.


I’m really looking forward to this year, however, I’m getting new teachers and NEW TEACHING STYLES. I’m worried that I won’ t be able to adjust very well.


One of the ways I’ve been thinking I can change is by just listening and paying attention to the teacher right off the bat. Just learn and try your best to adjust as easy and quickly as possible.

So yeah that’s my plan and I hope that helps you get some ideas of your own or using mine. I hope you guys have a great school year!

Good luck!!


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